66 years of experience
Focused on development practical and innovative solutions for waste, military and civil transport, events and industrial solutions, in order to quickly respond to the industrial activities changes.
Danima is involved in each project development, helping to minimize costs. We guarantee the highest quality by adopting the highest quality standards in all our manufacturing processes.
We understand that the purchase decision is made by the client and we must satisfy customer´s needs through their activity knowledgement, media, social and economic situations, etc., providing solutions to your needs at any time.
More than 50 years of experience guarantee the duralibity of our equipment. Constant availability of equipment and quick response for material replacement and repairs, avoiding future surprises in management costs.
All departments and procedures are focused on our clients, who are a fundamental INTERESTED PART of our activity, trying to satisfy their expectations and needs.
Customers are a fundamental part in the development of our activity, we align our customers´s objectives to ours.
Did you know that, when you buy Danima equipment, you are reducing your company´s costs?
Companies use to evaluate the bids by price but it is necessary to spend some time to value postsales costs such as maintenance, breakdowns, failures, etc. These are also a part of the cost of the purchase.
Danima has a network of workshops that perfectly know our equipment, offering a quick response.